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Italian Summer School
"Dionne's style of teaching reflects her deep understanding of the importance of the individual. During our time in Italy we were encouraged to immerse ourselves in the landscape and culture of Italy and try to reflect that in our work....Thanks Dionne, it was all I was hoping for and more."

3 Decades of Artistic Journey

With over 30 years of experience in creating, exhibiting, and teaching, I bring a wealth of expertise to my craft.


I specialised in Textiles and Machine Embroidery at Goldsmith's College, London University [BA Hons] and have a Masters in Textiles from UCE, Birmingham.  I have taught in a plethora of educational environments and supported numerous creative businesses.


My work is not only a personal exploration but also a contribution to the broader discourse on the intersection of art and craftsmanship.

Artist & Maker

In my creative world, "drawing the line" takes on a dual meaning. It's the starting point of every creation, an intentional act of observing and drawing that forms the backbone of my artistic vision.


It's also an invitation - a call to explore the boundaries between mediums, where pencil lines can transform into stitched threads and then, into delicate silver jewellery.


Semantics often confuse art/craft/design & making: I am all of these, but none of them without drawing.

Drawing helps me make sense of the world.  All my work stems from observational drawing, without it there is no direction.


Making is a meditation: I get lost in its rhythm...yet I work with speed infusing my creations with vitality and energy.

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